Monday, January 28, 2008

Whats in Line for Mr... when all is going off the rails?

If the setting was right...
...I would have it on my right arm.. pumping.. below the cloth.. and around it i would place the most important things... those things that i would not share with the common man... those things which mean that bit more, and can exist in only my existance and perhaps two others.... connected by need rather than want.

And in my temples...
...the world will spill out the essence of thought... rippling with rhythm and pulsing with sounds natural to the core... fluid... circling everything....holding it.... the very last, until everything becomes disconnected... with a splash the last will fall from the everything and sound will be distorted. I will dip it back in however...cus that pleases people.

And in my muscle....
... my blood will be my most important asset.. for I am it and it is me... i do not need to jusify my bloods existence as much as it is what i need... and o my muscle will suck at it and spit it out with a lust and a punishing force....and my limbs will lungs will brain will think.... my eyes... my fingers.... my intensions will become reality.... and my heart will sing on.... and i will sing on.....

I will not let fear...
..... be the judge of my actions but the white lines dividing the road up... the road... it will wind towards the darkness.... and rise into the brightness... sometimes so dark i cannot see and so bright i cannot even look... it is in those moments i will feel it most. and then i will be afraid.... and then what results will be remembered, and will be of such brilliance that my body will never feel such things mind will never think like this again. And my heart will be still.

When it is all over...
...and my fingers are happy with their new of colour in darkness... light where white was.... when that happens, if it ever happens... i will change it all......because that was of a then that was always to be born in a present past. It can never travel with my inner existance..... that is when it will all be over, and why it will never be over.. until i am over, but that is the work of existence. Our lives are the work of existence

Knowing its all....
.... going to rise over the line of life in the end.....keeps me smiling.... roof tops hold onto the black as birds fly down from the light height, the light report to the earth of your coming....though we all know its going to happen....for if it doesnt we will never understand..... and we will pass in our ignorence... but that wont happen.....cus we are on a course set out by the events of the past... something we are never meant to understand anyway.... just smile because its going to happen. It will happen.

A Main Line

thought i had a grip on this, its inconsistant however, uncontrollable, i hav to sit it out in a constant struggle for understanding and whatever else? But wha if there were two or three, what then? I havnt the strings for that. Whatwas it you said to me when i hit you in the side? I havnt got that with me can i check the back and get back to you? I'll look in the drawer or do you think its somewhere else? I wouldnt know the answer to that quesiton but my fellow human being may be able to help if you, i can put you through to his/her department of existence and perhaps in a light year or so his/her assistant might be able to squeeze you into a busy schedule? But quesitons are more of an answer when it matters little what needs to be said but what needs to be done. The rhythm in my ear suggests an unsteady path through one direction however with many ups and downs....bleeps.... even the slowest minds needs it, even the slowest...Think it.. then do it.Do it then ?

Monday, January 21, 2008

Dashboard Reasoning reckons i had no other chance at anything....

A topic on my brain.... what is right.... what is needed however?


Its exactly what runs through your mind when you realize the stupidity of it all...

You know i wanted to, I'm sure you could sense it, instead i had to stop the car...

Wasn't the time, was it even possible? Dashboard reasoning reckons i had no other chance at anything.... but last night i realised people care.. people think of you who you'd never thought would in the first place even if they don't realise what they are doing in the first place truth is always floating through the air, tipping you on your shoulder, telling you a musky alcoholic air... a truthful air none the less.

None the less.

Am i less for it? Have i sucker punched the face of it? am i now running down that same ol' path.... I'm far too picky for a beggar and far to poor for such expensive things.

I know i want the white wings and flash...... but is it what i need? Do i need the artistic screen watcher with an opinion.... or the air dweller from everyplace but home? Or do i need the truth of it all? The one who thinks of me

Or do i need something completely different, the stair dweller... the one who stops you in your tracks...when all is out the window and the night is up... the second chance, the last ditch effort... the last push for the line? Is that what i need? If it is it doesn't come as easy as the rest, that requires effort.... however will it be worth it?

I believe, yes i believe in one of them, that part of my soul is trying to make a fool out of me however.

Play that horn

Sing it low and with feeling

Is it all out the window.... i could go back there and look and look....

Is it all out the window?

I will continue to wash the light and release nearly all of it to the universe.. and someday my soul will let me know... it'll release the secret.