Sunday, April 20, 2008

Sound Movement

Sound Movement, originally uploaded by dunwho.

My little piece... that night i was walking to walk, that night i was looking to lose myself.

Frustration, little miss, little wind blower.. my ears fell off you know that, i could barley feel my eyelids. id stop to shoot you. but you were too fast and the witnesses, they had notebooks and life nets of their own. Its a battle these days to capture you for myself, the unique! the unique is impossible when nothing is sacred..

My little piece... this time i walked for happiness.... that night i was looking for you.

What did you hope to achieve? Why did you throw so much at me? I didnt mean to create such a fuss.... nip down to the shops... couple of bags of feeling.. couple of rocks of feeling...

you sent me the feeling... it was in the life gas... the life gas was all over the walls... i shot it..... but you wont let me capture you.

i was hoping youd stay inside it for awhile..but you refused... instead you sent me your rocks of feeling...ur bags of feeling

little miss...little wind blower

Little pieces, now ive found you, putting you together is a tough task... your all over the life air....all over the feeling...

but your getting the feeling... and sleeping to my buzz calls.... your sleeping to me

little pieces

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